
May 18, 2018

Dr. Leonard Stavrositu, “What’s up Doctor?” ProTv

About Periodontal Disease, “What’s up Doctor?” ProTv News

In the show “What Do Doors Do?” From ProTv News, presented by Oana Cuzino, the subject presented was about periodontal disease, which, unfortunately, can not be removed only with scrap. Despite proper hygiene, deposits occur on teeth surfaces that are not visible.

Many people turn to detartrage in such situations. The procedure is not sufficient, however, and does not eliminate the risk of periodontal disease. Broken teeth are the perfect place for tartar. From the age of 16, the amount of saliva in the child’s oral cavity begins to decrease and this phenomenon will accentuate the deposition of tartar. The texture, the structure, full of holes, which does not have to do with the tooth, will promote the exaggerated development of bacteria and, moreover, they will develop their metabolism products in the body, which are toxic and in large quantities. In these conditions we can notice the beginning of the periodontal or popular periodontitis disease.

Dr. Leonard Stavrosit, owner Implant3D:

“There can be some kind of subgingival bacteria that can create, first of all, large jaws for jaw bones. The root of each tooth is fixed to the jaw bones by pulley-like structures, these bonds being most sensitive to the attack of bacteria in the tartar. Inflammation and problems of tooth mobility occur. “

That is why, in addition to daily brushes, it is necessary to clean every 6 months, but the scratch removes only the visible tartar. If the doctor realizes that there is tartar and under the gum, he recommends the so-called subgingival scrubs, that is, an in-depth cleaning of the tooth.

Dr. Leonard Stavrositu, owner Implant3D:

“Subgingival chuctas are mandatory in periodontal disease. Laser treatments can also be done. After cleaning the area under the gum, the laser is required, which sterilizes the area and thus becomes perfectly clean. “

What is Periodontal Disease?

Boala parodontală este afecțiunea cronică de natură infecțioasă, cauzată de mai multe specii de bacterii din cavitatea bucală. Această boală afectează gingia și țesuturile de susținere a dintelui la nivelul osului (parodonțiul). Netratată, boala parodontală poate provoca deficiențe majore funcționale și estetice, mergând până la pierderea dinților.

Important stages of periodontal disease:

1. Gingivitis

It is the early stage, the first, of a periodontal disease. Bacteria that deposit as a film constantly on the surface of the teeth and which by mineralization form tartar, cause inflammation of the gum. It is colored in intense red, it swells, it becomes slightly painful and, most of the time, it bleeds when you brush your teeth. As a treatment, your dentist may recommend your professional oral hygiene. If you are using a proper dental brush technique or oral shower (there is a special mouthpiece that you can buy from specialist stores) and if you use oral hygiene as instructed by your doctor, gingivitis is completely reversible.

2. Superficial periodontitis

It is the stage where an untreated gingivitis develops. Between the gum and teeth a space appears through which the dental plate penetrates and attaches itself to the root of the teeth. Inflammation includes the bone and the fibers that support the teeth in the bone. Characteristic is the feeling of tension in the tooth or group of teeth, accompanied by moderate pain, especially in the morning. The gum can retract, discovering the dental roots, the teeth becoming sensitive to temperature variations. Proper oral hygiene, as well as proper dental treatment, can prevent disease progression.

3. Deep periodontitis

Reprezintă stadiul final al bolii parodontale, în care osul și fibrele ce susțin dintii sunt distruse în grade variabile. Dintii își pot modifica poziția și pot deveni mobili, afectând vorbirea sau mestecatul alimentelor. Gingia este complet desprinsă de dinte, apărând pungile parodontale, care constituie focare de infecție pentru întregul organism. Distructiile pot fi extrem de importante, ajungându-se la pierderea dinților. Tratamentul, in acest stadiu al bolii parodontale, este complicat, fiind necesare de cele mai multe ori intervenții de chirurgie orală. Igiena orală corectă este indispensabilă pentru stabilizarea bolii.

How do you know if your teeth are affected by a periodontal disease?

Only the dentist can diagnose periodontal disease. To prevent any of the mouth conditions, you must go to dental checkup at least once every 6 months. You should also consult your dentist if you notice one or more of the following:

– the gum is bleeding or bright red, swollen or painful red, next to a tooth or group of teeth;

– the gum is retracted from the tooth;- the teeth began to move;

– Changes have occurred in how the top teeth meet with the lower ones when you bite;

– puff bags appear in the gum;

– Breathing is bad smell or you have an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

What do you have to do if your teeth are affected by periodontal disease?
Go to the dental check regularly every six months. It is the best way to discover and treat periodontal disease in a reversible state.
Use a toothpaste with proven anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
Use oral hygiene auxiliary as instructed by your dentist.
Avoid smoking!
Follow the dentist’s advice.

For any additional information and appointments, you can call the Implant3D dental office phone number (0733 173 232) or send us private messages on our facebook page, where you can have a dialogue with a specialist Implant3D. Click here—> Implant3D

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