
May 17, 2018

What is FIX-PE-LOC Dental Implant Fast?

What is FIX-PE-LOC Dental Implant Fast?

Sometimes called “one-day smiles”, “teeth one day”, “teeth in one session” and so on, SKY Fast & Fix | FIX-PE-LOC is a revolutionary treatment that allows us to offer patients a full set of fixed bridges through implants in one day.

How Does This Type Of Dental Implant Work Quickly?

At Implant3D (our office is in Bucharest), we will first perform an initial review to make sure the patient is fit for treatment. To establish this, we will perform high-tech scans and we will use the implant planning software called coDiagnostix. If the patient is suitable for treatment, it will return for tooth restoration, where six implants will be placed in the upper jaw and four implants will be placed in the lower jaw. We then fix the very durable bridges to these implants and the treatment is complete. After 10 days, you must return to the office to remove the stitches.

If I’m afraid of pain, I’m doing FIX-PE-LOC fast implants treatment?

All implanted treatments are performed under local anesthesia by highly qualified dentists so patients can be sure they will be in very safe hands and will not feel anything during the treatment. There may be some pain or sensitivity a few days afterwards, but this is perfectly normal and our doctor will give you important tips on how to effectively manage this moment, fortunately, passer-by. Although the treatment itself is fast, we allow patients to have enough time to ask questions during the consultation to have all the comfort and safety they need. The result is worth it. There is little to “wake up” with a new teeth, with a new life, in such a short time. From our experience, we will ensure that after this work you will be happy people, and for us, every smile at the end, means a lot of emotion.

What benefits do patients have at this procedure of rapid reconstruction of teeth?

Patients, who have a lot of missing teeth, can now carry a detachable prosthesis that can cause irritation and slippage; FIX-PE-LOC offers a permanent solution and is absolutely comparable to natural teeth and the patient will feel the teeth as the real ones. Due to the rapid nature of this treatment, patients can smile back even in a single day, which is a great deal for any person who makes many dental travels normally. At Implant3D, we offer attractive prices, making it an affordable solution in relation to the quality and complexity of the work.

Who is eligible for the FIX-PE-LOC procedure?

Patients with a lot of missing teeth, who currently have a prosthesis or have many teeth that require extraction can find a great benefit with the FIX-PE-LOC procedure. Thanks to this one-day solution, those who do not have time to go to several sessions will also find this wonderful option. Each patient will require individual examination and evaluation to determine whether the procedure is clinically appropriate for FIX-PE-LOC fast implant treatment.

How do I get a consultation?

Ne puteți suna la numărul de telefon 0733 173 232 și un membru al echipei noastre vă va răspunde la întrebări și, impreună, veti putea să stabilitiți o programare, la cabinet, pentru o consultație inițială. Alternativ, puteți să ne trimiteți un mesaj prin intermediul site-ului nostru (chiar aici, dupa articol), si pe pagina noastra de facebook cu un simplu click here .





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